Saturday, January 12, 2013

I worship You, Lord..

When I walk in the darkest valley...
When all that I can feel is pain..
When my tears drop till it dry..
When daytime becomes soulless..
And night become very long...

I remember..

There is one person..
The holy one.. The greatest one... The one who always watches me...
The one who always holds my hand...
The one who always catches me when I near to collapse and fall..
The one who always calls me..
Who always loves me
Even I've hurt His heart so many times...
That person is You Lord...
He always waits for me to come to Him..
He has died for me... To clean all my sins
So I can be saved..
Jesus holds my tomorrow....
He has planned the best for me...
He always works for my life...
I can live and sleep peacefully...
Without worries..

So, what should I afraid to?
What should I worry to when I've known that He has arranged the best future for me?
All these trials, pains, troubles are set to grow my faith...
They make me even stronger, better than before...
He trains me.. Like a father trains his children..
But You Lord.. You're the most perfect Father of all the fathers on the earth..
I love You Lord..
Thank You for giving me strength..
So I can still worship Your glorious name!

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